Sephoraon Give InKind
Sephora offers a vast and diverse selection of prestige beauty products including makeup, skincare, and fragrances in our 250 stores nationwide and online. From classic brands like Clinique to hard-to-find brands like Dior and Too Faced, Sephora provides easy access to over 13,000 products and more than 200 brands.
Why We Love This Gift: We love this gift because it offers an indulgence. It pampers those who need a little extra love and attention. When unexpected medical costs mount, little indulgences can fall by the wayside. Prevent this from happening. As a body works to heal, scaffolding that healing with just a little bit of extra can be a really lovely and sustaining gesture. (A gift card is preferable to a gift basket because heavily scented lotions can hinder healing and so it is recommended to confer with doctors and other medical personnel). As well, Military spouses are sometimes in need of a little indulgence. This is also a good gift for teenagers who may need a little extra attention for any number of reasons.
What To Express In Your Card: I saw this and I just thought that you might like to choose a little something for you. Something you don't need. Please choose something you want. I am thinking lots about you.
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